
about me

Let me introduce myself. My name is Paweena  Yongprueaksa. My nickname is Kik. I'm 19 years old. My birthday is the 9 of  July 1997. I am come from Bangnamprieowittaya school. My major was science – math. I’m  Nationality is Thai. I’m Race is Thai. I’m Religion is  Buddhism. I live with my parents in Chachoengsao. Chachoengsao is in the east of Thailand. I am studying at Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nopparat Vajira. I come from quite a small family. There are four people in my family. My mother’s name is Sangwian  Satang  and my father’s name is Samart  Yongprueaksa. I’ve got one sister. Her name is Patthama Yongprueaksa and she’s tawenty-three. We’ve got one dog and two cats. I'm shy and think  over. I’m high 175.5 cm. and weight 51 kg.  My hobby is  surfing the internet , reading books and watch  television. My favorite sport is badminton, aerobic  and volleyball. I want to visit Japan, Korea and China Singapore. My favorite food is noodle, papaya salad and pad ka prao. My favorite color is blue green, pink and white.  I like sport but I don’t like math because I hate numbers.  My most important qualifications is good attention and patience.

